Sunday, September 29, 2013

1 Million .99 Songs

Something I learned as I was melting in the hot hot hot Pasadena sun sellling my music at the Rose Bowl Arts and Crafts Fair is I need to let you know how proud I am of the music I created with the amazing Philip Bynoe, currently touring world wide with Steve Vai. I also learned I need to encourage my friends, who are looking for delightful, creative, entertaining music for their toddlers to buy a song on iTunes / Amazon / CDBaby (just search on Pbndeb). And then tell their friends about the 1 song they purchased. We've given away hundreds of CDS and singles. We will continue to donate to those who need music and can't afford it. But Philip and I need to sell songs in order to continue the PBnDeb dream. I have a goal...drum roll please... 1 Million .99 downloads this year. If you listened to our music... and you like it, please go and buy a song... one song. And thank you from the bottom of my heart... thank you!

PBnDeb Facebook Music Store

Sunday, September 15, 2013

I 'lost' my iPhone...

It was time to upgrade my iPhone.  My two year contract was finished.  I had dropped it in the toilet about a month ago.  The rice bath helped but now it got hot quickly.  It still worked.  I wasn't rushing to get a new one... until I left my car door unlocked and 'lost' my iPhone.  It seems someone needed my iPhone and iPad more than I did.

I am over it...mostly... Well maybe one more day of ice cream and puppy dog kisses!  It happened and there's not much I can do about it except fill out online police reports, change passwords and cry.  By the way if you don't have a great password encryption program checkout KeypassX.  I LOVE IT! Correction... I LOVE Doug, my hubby.  KeypassX keeps me sane. If you have many different passwords keeping track can be challenging.  This program rocks.

I had all of my passwords changed within 2 hours not bad considering I wasn't able to get to my home computer for over an hour.  Facebook allows you to deactivate on all devices.  I like that!  I updated my status on Facebook with a message to all my friends alerting them to my recent troubles and to please watch their accounts for spam from me as I wasn't send out any emails this weekend.  Some friends have already technologically un-friended me.  It's okay.  I understand.  With my email passwords changed, it shouldn't be a problem but..better safe than... well then letting this little issue GROW into a full scale problem for anyone I know or sort of know.  If you are a friend and I won't see you on Facebook anymore...please send me an email or I will feel like I am stuck on a desert island in this lush land of electronic communication.  I guess due to someone else's breaking the law, I am now 'technologically' challenged.  A pariah in the world of communication. So I blog...

Yes,, it's a buzz kill.  And yes I feel violated.  And yes, I am a and so... And yes, I am lazy because I had that one moment in time as I was walking away from the car when the thought, Did I lock the car? went through my mind and I didn't turn around to check.

The truth is I am so afraid of turning into a second guessing worry wart that I didn't listen to the little voice in my head that said, Go back.  I listened to the one that said, Quit worrying and enjoy the beach! which I did.  Hm...

Moving on... I had to purchase a phone.  I can't really walk around without one.  There was a time in my life when I used to have to dig in my pockets for a quarter and run to find a pay phone in order to call my agent back.  Ha!

I have been an iPhone/Apple customer from day one.  Now that my iPad was gone I didn't have my 'Kindle' which is mainly what I used it for.  At the AT&T store I was dazed looking at all of the phones.  Jalyssa, a very friendly customer service rep, laughingly assisted me into moving on from the 'loss' of my iPhone.  She was great.  I told her I text, talk and read on my phone.  And reading has become a little challenging after 50 for fonts smaller than 9 point.  Inspired, she showed me an LG Optimus G Pro.  I liked it.  I looked at Doug, tech guru hubby, and asked, "Is there any reason why I have to purchase an iPhone?"  He said, "No." The Android has caught up to the iPhone and it offers a larger screen.  So I baled on Apple.  Don't get me wrong.  I like Apple.. it's just... it's just... my eyes and my pocket book don't like Apple like they used to.  I may burn in 'h-e-double-apple-hockey-sticks.' and Steve Jobs may not let me into Apple Heaven for writing this.

So far I love the new phone.  It makes these funny little clicking sounds that are sort of soothing.  Like it's talking to me.  I have a lot to learn about Androids.  But my purse is lighter as I don't have as much hardware to carry around.  I was able to read last night in bed and send a couple of texts.  I even played Scramble With Friends...the real test.  I couldn't play Scramble on my iPhone, but I can on my LG Optimus G Pro.

More importantly, no evil is going to keep me from taking my dogs to their favorite place in the world. I am ready to journey to the Huntington Dog Beach once again.  Only next time, if a little voice in my head wonders, Did I lock the car door?  I will go back and look.

Spenser and Bodi at Huntington Dog Beach.